Better Quantum Health, LLC
Better Quantum Health, located in Mount Dora, Central Florida, has clients nationwide. Operating through online, telephonic, and other electronic communication methods, our company is dedicated to helping people improve their lives using holistic methodology and certified pure products from ethical producers.
Betty J. Ragin
Betty began her holistic health studies at as a young girl. Her mother, of Cherokee Native American descent, recognized that among her large family Betty showed the greatest potential to become a healer. She taught her to recognize and utilize many types of herbal medicines used by her family and her ancestors. When choosing these different remedies from the woods, fields, or the garden near their home, she learned that they were sound, natural remedies used by generations beyond those in use by the typical medical model.
Betty graduated from the State University of New York (Brockport) with a degree in Nutritional Biochemistry. She attended the Cleveland College of Chiropractic and earned a certification as a Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant (Nutrition). In 2008, she earned a certification for Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Practitioner under Dr. Robert Marshall of Premier Research Labs. This in turn was followed by attendance at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and earned certification in Fitness and Holistic Nutrition. Additionally, her interest in studies in natural health and healing prompted her to become a Registered Yoga Instructor.
“I educate my clients the importance of nourishing the body through live source nutrition and proper detoxification. My personal goal is to help people improve their lives by changing their potentially unhealthy lifestyles, poor nutritional habits, and alleviating their suffering. I’m dedicated to empowering everyone to access their own healing abilities within themselves.”